My mind has completely turned to goo over the past week. I hardly go a day or two without watching a movie usually but the last movie I saw was Greyhound and that was almost a week ago. I can't figure out what to watch, I'll sit here on letterboxd and look through my watchlist or endlessly scroll through my myriad subscriptions but NOTHING looks appealing. I have been in a mental fog just watching Community (TV series) for the first time this past week. I have also been reading about film, I'm currently reading Sanctuary Cinema: Origins of the Christian Film Industry by Terry Lindvall but actually sitting down and watching something seems like such a daunting task and I find no joy in it. I am currently recovered from a small bout of Covid 19 where I had to quarantine away from home because my dad is at risk since he has a paralyzed diaphragm. Maybe I'm just now realizing what an oddly stressful situation I was and still am in with my health. I'm not certain. I just want to be able to enjoy movies again and being in this funk is scary.

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You write so incisively and about feelings so close to my own at the moment that the first three paragraphs brought tears to my eyes. You are not alone, Drew, and we all thank you for saying what we are feeling. Thank you.

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Surprised the boys haven't seen The Fantastic Mr. Fox yet. That movie is pure joy for me.

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My daughter is soon to be 3 and having read your work for so long I am obsessing over when and how to show her things....Currently she is devouring anything animated with music so I think I will fight the battle in a few more years :) She can have her Trolls 3 times a week for now..

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