This is why Drew is a cut above other critics. I've seen several pushing the "Paul Anderson is king of the video adaptations" narrative, when any sane individual knows that crown belongs to Dr. Uwe Boll. Drew sidesteps this controversy, however, by qualifying that Anderson spent more time on his video game adaptations. Clearly Anderson spent more time on one film than Dr. Boll spent on the eleven or so video game movies he made. I do worry that Dr. Boll will take this slight personally, he has been known to fight critics in the past.

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The question you pose is interesting, because it feels like a lot of actors kind of seem to go into producing for the purpose of their own films more than those for others. I think Brad Pitt probably stands out the most as someone who has used their clout for a variety of interesting projects, not just for themselves, but for filmmakers they want to help elevate. George Clooney has a fairly great slate, as well.

My wife and I just finished a binge of "Alias," which I never finished watching, and I've been busy with screeners and horror movies. "Totally Under Control" was extremely infuriating, and I was impressed with how Gibney kept it under wraps, given some of the lengths he seems to go to when it comes to getting his interviews.

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