I know it doesn't do any good, but I'm holding you in my heart, Drew. I've had my anxiety flaring up really bad lately too, to the point that it's affecting my work, and the only reason that it isn't getting to the breaking point is because I already had my breaking point two years ago. I felt so bottomlessly nervous and hopeless that my mind went to some dark places, and after finally seeing a therapist again, I managed to bring it back to a place where it's manageable. 80s ALL OVER was a tremendous assistance during those days, so thank you for that.

You have every right to stay away from shit that triggers your anxiety. Don't think it makes you weak or overly fragile to consider your mental health through this. Personally, I want everybody screaming about the end times, even as a joke, to shut up, but I can't do that, so I instead take special precaution to manage what I watch and read and do to help me get out of the other side of this as a functional and kind human being. So please don't let the bastards out there or this bastard virus break your spirit, because you are sorely needed.

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Thank you for being honest about your anxiety. I am currently getting help dealing with mine after ignoring it for decades. Know that people are out there that are willing to help.

Been reading your work for what seems like forever. Keep writing and know that people will keep reading.

End of the day thanks for your passion and commitment.

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Field of Dreams is my favorite movie, and baseball is my first sports love. I know it's a cliché, but that movie always makes me cry. It starts when James Earl Jones has that wonderful monologue about baseball marking the time in America. It's beautiful and ridiculous and dogmatic and simply a pure joy to watch. I'm not full-on crying by the end of his speech, but I'm primed for end of the film.

I don't want to watch Tiger King. I hate reality TV, and that's what it is even if it's gussied-up as a quasi-documentary. I have no problem sitting out this viral sensation.

I'm happy to hear you're letting go of your anxiety. I think the problem with spending (probably) too much time on social media is that instead of allowing ourselves to feel negative feelings like anxiety, fear, or anger, and then control it and move past it, we dwell in it. The online mob amplifies and catastrophizes these feelings until it seems they are all-encompassing and never-ending. It's not healthy. We should never deny or hide from our negative emotions, but we need to feel them and then move to and deal with them in a healthy way instead of letting them control us. Good luck in your effort. It's an everyday necessity.

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My boys and I (they are 14 and 15) watched the first episode of that Tiger shit out of pure curiosity, and were too disgusted to even think about watching more.

That said, they are loving the new Predator game.

I personally don't play video games. Not my thing. :)

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No shame in not "getting" The Last of Us, I think it's fine but overrated.

If you want epic storytelling, solid gameplay and a super-immersive world to play in, nothing beats The Witcher 3; it's the gold standard in narrative gaming.

LOVE Field of Dreams, btw.

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Had the same problem with THE LAST OF US. There's a certain point I could not get beyond and so gave up. Really hate that given how much it's loved. Same with RED DEAD REDEMPTION.

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I’m reminded of the terrific podcast you did with Scott/Rebecca on Field of Dreams back in the day. Always loved listening to you two talk film. Any changes of an audio reunion in the future?

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