I ended up watching ‘In and Of Itself’ three days in a row — first alone, then the next day with my kids, and then again the following day with my wife. Seeing how it landed on each of them was as much a part of the experience as the show itself. Fairly sure I’ll be recommending it for the rest of my life.

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"Oz shoots a montage of people reacting to this moment, and it is a powerful illustration of just how well-built this 'trick' is. I hate that word in this context..."

Because they're ILLUSIONS, Michael

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I got to see In & Of Itself live and was blown away by it. I didn't know they filmed it, can't wait to see it again!

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I definitely did NOT burst into tears multiple times watching In & Of Itself. That definitely did not happen even though it was one of the best and most powerful experiences I've had watching anything during the pandemic.

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There was a moment in Borat 2 where they mimic the old school Disney 2D animation style and I'm thinking to myself "anyone who comes out with a film in this style is going to seriously garner some major pop cultural real estate." It's one of the handful of aesthetics that is timeless. If I were running Disney today I would not hesitate to greenlight John Carter of Mars in that old school 2D style.

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