This is an absolute joy. Looking forward to reading through the entire series.

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Does this mean you're going to finish the series? This is one of my favorite things you've done. Second only to Film Need 2.0

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Yep. I wrote 'em, but I never had a place to publish them. So let's make it happen.

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Interestingly enough, while on vacation over the past couple weeks I finally got around to reading the Bond books. While I was reading them, I was thinking about the HitFix column and feeling sad that you never got to finish it. And look! Here it is!

Thanks for bringing it back.

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So glad you're coming back around to these!

Earlier this week, I watched the promotional film about Daniel Craig's tenure that MGM released through Apple+, and it was surprisingly effective at re-igniting my excitement for the new film after the constant cold water of repeated delays. Thinking I need to go back to the movies with my son again, too, who wasn't yet quite testosterone-soaked enough to connect with them in earlier attempts...

(How long past the tail of this mini-series is it appropriate to start pestering you about circling back to the Travis McGee Book Club?)

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