Sometimes you podcast for other people, and sometimes, you podcast for yourself.
It is safe to say that Aundria, Craig, and I were all in a bit of a state of shock the day after the national election in November. We’re still in a state of shock now, but like everyone else, we have to continue doing everything we would normally do and somehow live like things aren’t totally insane.
We had two recordings scheduled for that night. We discussed postponing. We reached out to the guests to see what they thought. And in the end, I think all of us felt the same way. These conversations were important for us, and I’m surprised listening to them now to hear how well we lost ourselves in them, and how much it feels like we were able to set the world aside of a few hours.
Last week, Bryan Cogman was our guest, and I talked about how how much fun I’ve had getting to know him via our appearances on Screen Drafts. Well, none of those conversations would have happened if not for the podcast that Clay Keller and Ryan Marker host every week. I am so grateful for the platform that Clay’s offered me over the last few years, and I figured the easiest way to tell him was to have him join us. I love that Clay comes up with theme after theme, week after week, for his show, but when I asked him to put together his three Hip Pocket films, he basically shut down for a month while he tried figure out the answer to my question.
CLAY KELLER is a writer, actor, and podcaster, and one of the hosts of Screen Drafts, a collaborative competitive movie discussion game where groups of people battle it out to create the definitive lists on topic after topic after movie loving topic. He was one of the hosts of the now-defunct Vidiots podcast, and he’s helped create a sprawling community of movie fans who can endlessly debate the various categories that are introduced each week.
His three Hip Pocket selections were Broadcast News, Malice, and Summer Hours. Craig chose True Stories as our response film.
Finally, Drew inducted Quick Change into the Hip Pocket Hall of Fame.
If you’d like to support The Hip Pocket at Patreon, you can find us at
If you’d like to find us on BlueSky, you can find us at
The Hip Pocket is hosted by Drew McWeeny and Aundria Parker.
Craig Ceravolo is the show’s bandleader and producer.
It is a Formerly Dangerous Production.
Once again, we’re really cutting it close on these. We’re still learning just how long it takes to get an episode from start to finish for you guys, so there was no chance to prepare the transcript for this full episode.
Jane’s telling Tom exactly what went wrong, and I’m sure he’ll tell you. It goes in here. It comes out there. Amazing.
Our next guest brings us to the halfway point in the season. We’re going to take a little break after that for about three weeks so we can get the back half of the season ready to go for you, but we’re leaving you on an excellent note. Our guest is a huge talent, one of the biggest names in film and television music these days.
It really shouldn’t be surprising that they ended up picking three films with a very particular musical motif, and let me tell you, it was a delight to discuss Highlander, Pink Floyd - The Wall, and Heavy Metal with our guest. Even more amazing? Their reaction to our response film, Phantom of the Paradise.
Fire up the Battlestars, slip on your Rings of Power, and tell the Outlanders to get the home fires burning. Our guest next week is a real bear, and I can’t wait for you to hear it!
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