I have to credit your presence for luring me to Screen Drafts (thanks to the notorious Carpenter Draft)... My partner and I are obsessed with the show now -- so much so, we play 2-person 7-film drafts amongst ourselves on a weekly basis (no no, really: https://letterboxd.com/cinemaviscera/tag/p-p-screen-drafts/lists/) and have even held a couple of Mega Drafts with friends (on the films of 1999 and 1994) and an MCU Super Draft (we roped in your old AICN pal Lee Zachariah for that one, and he's well and truly in the boat for any we do in future). It's just a super fun way to spend a night with friends with wine and snacks, lavishing love (and the occasional upsetting Veto) on films.

Maybe Clay is right: maybe he *did* invent a perfect game...

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Drew, great edition as always. And if any of you are reading this and haven't subscribed to Drew's 80s project, do yourself a favor and do it. Since he's breaking it up into parts, you're getting multiple parts each month. Highly recommend.

I watched Free Guy late Thursday night with my 17-year-old daughter in a nearly empty theater (pre-requisite for us to go, honestly). I respect your review, but don't agree - we enjoyed the heck out of it. It might be because I came in expecting the loudness with a vapid story, but I got something a lot sweeter than I expected about self-determinism, what's important in life, and quite a run of beating up on capitalism (a favorite past-time). I figure the pop culture fan service is mere table stakes in films like this. The kid loved the gaming deep-dives and the YouTube cameos (none of which I could name).

Looking forward to the rest of 1980!

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Great reviews as always. What are your thoughts on Idris Elba as Bloodsport? He was actually my favorite in the film!

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The 80s book will be amazing once you finish. It will make all this work worth it! I just ordered Jeremy Parish’s new SNES works book, it’s basically an adaptation of his YouTube series released through limited run games. I feel like this is even better suited to that kind of treatment

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