Mar 26, 2020Liked by Drew McWeeny

Don't take it so hard on yourself, Drew. It's been varying levels of hard for all of us, and your work has been an enormous help. Keep it up!

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Mar 26, 2020Liked by Drew McWeeny

Stuart Gordon’s passing hit me hard today. His movies have influenced me throughout my life. When I was a kid,Fortress, castle freak, space truckers, and robot jox were all apart of my home video/ cable experience. They all seemed like wild movies and out of step of the mainstream. When I got older I advocated to my friends to watch Edmond, Dagon, king of ants, and the wonderful ice cream suit. A genre king and a important voice in movies. He will be missed. RIP

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Re-Animator anchor bay edition was one of the first DVDs I ever bought 'internationally' via ebay as I could not get it in Aus in the 90s. Ahh the memories.

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I actually had the privilege of seeing STUCK in a local theatre with Stuart Gordon in attendance for a Q&A—which I appreciated he took the time to do for my mid-sized northern Canadian city.

He was a lovely man and I came up afterwards to shake his hand and I said something that seemed to my early 20s self-absorbed brain as a compliment about not being boxed in as just a horror director. He was gracious in the moment but soon in retrospect I realized what an awful, condescending, ignorant of his creative history comment it was and could have gnawed my hand off to the knuckle in embarrassment.

A few years ago, I tweeted an "you probably don't remember this but…" apology for being an ass and got a 'like' from him in response which I took as a 'bro-nod' acknowledgement. It'll have to do. RIP.

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I love Tucker. The cast up and down the call sheet is amazing. Jeff Bridges and Martin Landau were great, but so was a young Christian Slater. Mako. Dean Stockwell as Howard Hughes. Elias Koteas. Lloyd Bridges. And of course, a luminous Joan Allen. I don't know what it is about the 1940's hair and fashion, but Joan Allen looks absolutely beautiful in that time period. I love the colors. I love the design. The entire movie looks like it's made of candy, and Jeff Bridges anchors the film with more charm than you think is humanly possible.

I always thought there was a lot of Jeff Bridges's Preston Tucker in the young Howard Stark as played by Dominic Cooper.

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