May 19, 2020Liked by Drew McWeeny

I know I've said this on more than one occasion, but THIS is why I'm happy to pay for the privilege, man. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about making plans and proclamations and then life gets in the way and nothing happens like you thought it would. I've always been more of a Paul guy than a John guy, but one of my favorite quotes in the world is all John, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." I think if we all remember that and roll with it, we wouldn't be so hard on ourselves. I think you're 100% right about how asking a celebrity for an autograph when they're not "in that mode" so to speak (like ballplayers who come by the stands to purposefully sign autographs after batting practice) is an imposition. It's how I feel. I just try to imagine how I would feel in their shoes if I'm at the grocery store or crammed into an airplane.

Also, it makes my heart soar to know Tom Selleck is a great guy in real life. He always seemed like a throwback to me, and as much as I love Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones part of me thinks we would've had something special had Selleck been able to perform the role as originally cast. Ford brought a world-weariness and cynicism that works as a great counterpoint within the framework of Spielberg's optimism and whiz-bangery. I think Selleck would've played the role with as much charm as Ford, but with more of a twinkle in his eye very much like his Magnum. It would've been neat. Oh well. Maybe on Earth-2 that's the way it happened!

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I have to second mister Matthew C and say what a delight it has been to subscribe to these. The time difference (I'm living in France at the moment) means that I have a new post to read when I wake up, so it has become part of my morning ritual before work. And my days are better for it, so thank you very much and keep at it please.

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I understand your feeling about checking stuff off of a list. Personally -- and this may be the autism speaking -- I do like the organization of a list, and the satisfaction of getting around to the Big Titles. I love filling in stuff at icheckmovies, for instance. And with so much out there now, it's easier to winnow priorities down.

I do find that I prefer to focus on certain lists over others. The big list for me is the Roger Ebert Great Movies essay list. I have about 75 movies to go on that, and at this point it's mostly foreign titles remaining, some of which are still going to be challenging to track down. But I always liked how he cast his net so wide with those essays, and was just as willing to discuss titles that just meant a lot to him personally as the Canon titles.

When I got my current job about a decade ago, I started cutting back on movie watching due in part to odd hours, and even keeping up with the Ebert list -- which I'd done because, at the turn of the millennium, I was losing interest in current release fare in the flyover states and wanted to better expand my knowledge to back up my appreciation and understanding of the movies I already loved -- became a chore more than a pleasure. So for a long time movies just didn't mean as much to me as other hobbies/types of entertainment.

I think 80s All Over got me back into that because I did start putting out feelers into certain titles that sounded like they were worth catching up on, and from there I found a happy balance between checklists and following my passions for certain performers, directors, etc. I mix the Canon vegetables with fandom and fluff more now, and I think my appreciation is all the better for it. :)

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